Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Linux Feature

Yes, you probably don't know what this is, though if you have a parent, or a grandparent who has a computer, but struggles on how to open up the web browser, or to use the basic functionality on Windows XP, or 7 if they actually aquired new, Give this a try.

This is a simple Distro of Linux, it's based on what those "Chromebooks" use, except the open version. You can download it onto a usb stick, burn it to a CD (if the computer is older) and install it. Anyways just check out the site, and see if it works. It may as well be faster to use than Windows XP as well, As it loads a browser, it'd be great for that computer you get on once in awhile to shoot an email, or play some internet music. So if you're mom or dad, grandad or grandma who needs to simply jump on the internet or wants to try it out, this may be your best bet for nothing out of your pocket... well maybe except a blank CD.