Saturday, December 8, 2012


*deep breaths*..... Hiiiii, :D? lol We here, we square. Get used to it!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hello! Thank you for visiting. Here's new stuff!

     I'm aware no one has posted anything in over a month, perhaps I should have noted awesome people are not very committed. That applies in more ways than one; read between the lines. So WELCOME! I'm excited to share that we have over 1,000 pageviews! So for that, I shall share this with you:


Oh gosh, I can't get enough of that XD!  

     Now that I got that out the way. *still laughing* I shall share a little writing with you. (Facts: I have no idea what I am about to post, that always leads to interesting results. It is 1:22 am and I've been on the computer for the past 3 & 1/2 hours deciding on what site to visit next because I do not have my 3tb hard drive with my thousands of photos to look at and edit, or my hundreds of (cough) illegally (cough) acquired anime and movies to watch.)
Storeh tyme
    "If only the woodpecker would stop that incessant drilling, perhaps I would have an idea of what I want to believe. But society; as the woodpecker was named, could never be quieted. Honestly! There is the common view of society but there are so many things that society's definition could be applied to that, REALLY, society is everywhere. Everywhere and unavoidable." *scrap.* It feels like I start something with potential, but always end it in crap. Perhaps a glass of wine will loosen up these brain cells. Pfft, more like kill (kill? Ironic that such a word should pop in to my mind at a time like this.) That's fine though, whoever said you need  all your brain cells when it came time to die. (die... there I go again. I mean how often do I use these words in my every day vocabulary, albeit I notice them a lot more right now.)  Mmm, this wine is good, 1950 Merlot, just what the doctor prescribed. SHE won't be needing it now so I might as well enjoy it. Ok ok, back to my writing. How does someone intelligent write a suicide note? I'm assuming they'd be a lot more complex with a REAL reason to justify them in doing it. I just have to make it look convincing enough so that everyone will believe it and not try an do an autopsy thus proving it wasn't actually a suicide. In actuality it is a first degree homicide framed to look like a suicide; jisatsu as I like to call it. Perhaps I'll be able to think a little more clearly once I set my stage they way I planned. Ugh, she doesn't smell yet since I just killed her but I feel like my mind is playing tricks on me, surely I smell a stench of death. Whatever, now, I have to set her body up just right, kind of like an ornament hanging from a Christmas tree. Eww, don't look at me like that, with your eyes bulging out of their sockets. I would close them but that doesn't  happen when your choked to death. Its YOUR fault! You should have listened to me five months ago when I asked you to stop playing your music so loud! We can't be neighbors anymore, I've evicted you. >:)

Jisatsu= Suicide in japanese.
     Okay so um... yeeeah, I TOLD you. Oh wait no I didn't. Well yeah weird things happen when I'm up at 2 in the morning and getting drowsier by the minute. As well as when I write something with no preconceived thought. I come up with weird shit. So I actually had two thoughts after writing the first few sentences. 1) I think I want to turn it into a story within a story. 2) I have to come up with a genre because if I don't it'll end up being a romance like the last one. My stories have a bad habit of turning into something involving a relationship with two lovers (sexual and non-sexual) and I wanted to avoid that at all costs. Hard proof on this is at the point where I revealed that I was drinking someone else's wine I ALMOST put, a husband who cheated on me/ the woman who my husband cheated on me with. Played out and just uncalled for. So I dodged a bullet pretty much when I turned "her" into "my neighbor who wouldn't turn down her crap." When said like that it sounds pretty stupid. But the way I ended it made the character I created look like a real creepy person who'll murder someone for anything. *my opinion*  Look at me breaking down my writing as if I just read someone else's story. In my opinion, a writers opinion of their own story should be kept to themselves. But seeing as I'm writing on my own blog, I kind of feel like I'm dissecting my thinking process via writing, its just that others will read it is all. 
Alrighty, signing off for now. Thanks for reading! 
Comments Anyone? Yooohooo?!