Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Serious life stuff.

MANY years later, and a brand new post from some random GAY GUY! :D but anyways, I'm here to discuss serious stuff, We know that we live in a 3rd dimensional reality. there's absolutely NO doubt about it as we can see, just look around, fart, breathe, say something obscene, you're here right now in this space and time. I've been agnostic most recently, I was once a Christian, then a Mormon back on 03, then as time went on, I eventually kicked religion out the door and decided to be atheist. Don't do that, be agnostic instead or else thanataphobic anxiety will come your way! I could not remain atheist forever, because I could not imagine perishing along with this body, where when I thought all would cease to exist someday, this horrible feeling would "kick in" which would last for weeks. During this time I'd feel "disconnected" from this reality, and really wish for things to go back to how things once were. I seriously think my "Spirit guide" wound up helping me, though my first experience with this awful feeling dates back to 2009, it was before graduation, I got myself a new ipod touch (I still have that sucker too) I was thinking since the battery wasn't easily replaceable, I thought "well, while a battery can be replace, a Life cannot" That begun that trigger of some of the worst days of my life. It spanned i belove it was two weeks. After the endurance, it was strange RIGHT after the graduation ceremony, Just as we were driving away, I look back at the building while driving away and the feeling dissipated almost immediately It was the best release I've ever experienced, though the feeling still lingered around, but only in tiny bits for the next few months. the next year I was back to feeling great again.

That was not the only time I'd experience something like that based on the same subject. It happened again THIS year! it was around May (Just like 2009!) and it crept up on me, it wasn't sudden like last time, but it came in and sank it's claws in. Just like last time, There was a day where I cried uncontrollably and needed consolation from those here in the Physical. This one didn't last as long, but boy it took it's time to release. This is when I used binaural beats for hours at a time to get rid of it, believe it or not, it worked! It took a couple days of loafing around but I eventually got myself back. Music was enjoyable again, so were games and stuff. This is when I began researching to see if spirits and what not exist, and to my surprise, I found "Huff Paranormal", I watched the HELL out of his stuff, which gave me hope in the idea of existence beyond this body. I've also begun research on other stuff involving spirits, such as the SLS Cam, "Ghost Boxes" and a few clips of Xbox one owners seemingly finding ghosts in the night vision Kinect preview screens. Still somewhat skeptical, A thought appeared in my head. "Astral Projection", I looked it up and listened to YouTubers talking about it, and the fact that there was not only one, not two, but MANY who have had experiences, which also makes me recall a "Dream" I had from when I was small, two dreams actually. the first I'll mention is that I was in a "Dark, but blueish" version of the living room, I remember looking around and the TV looked wierd, being there felt VERY uneasy, like I was in a bad place at a bad time. The second one I can recall were I was interacting with some "Energy orbs?" and I remember I think Hugging them or Touching them and the associated feelings they had, it was so strange, and I can recall it today, as well as that "electric? feeling" it's like I was comparing the way "large" feels in comparison to "small" or something like that. This dream also took place in the house, the hallway before my mom's room. so I think maybe I used to have OBEs without knowing it. Such things never happen these days however, I've been very bound to this body. This stuff has me convinced that there IS indeed an "Astral Plane" and that's where I'll get "Kicked out" into once this body expires. I don't know any answers or anything, but I'm just somewhat convinced that this stuff is indeed real, and this incarnated life is just like a "movie" of some sort, or more like a "game".

Even if you don't believe in any of this, or skeptical, do know this.. EXISTENCE IS REAL, You're existing NOW and if you're reading this, then of course that's all the proof you need of existence in general, are we immortal? only one way to find out! Try being spiritual but NOT RELIGIOUS, because Religion is ALL part of a CONTROL SYSTEM (You can find info on that everywhere, and even it's structure with rules and laws tells you this. too. Spirituality is cool, and feels closer to truth, even with REAL evidence out there! get researching!


  1. Fuck yeah Steve!! Spirituality rules! I love that you shared that with us! Thanks for this!! Always good to spread the word. Have you heard about our good Lord and savior the universe!? HAHAA

  2. lmaoXD and even we know and see the universe exists. get a telescope or evenjust look up at night!
