Tuesday, October 20, 2015


This post is going to be short and sweet, but wow, this is what I call a Time Capsule. I should get Angela to upload ALL pride pictures here, because We got some from 2011 (the first I've ever gone to)

What I originally was going to put is Wow, it's nearing the end of 2015, and it's hard to believe it's been that long, it feels like yesterday, or rather last week. Time sure does go by, it's a symbol of how brief our time seems, even though we currently have plenty of time left as our given Characters. It's sad to know they will someday be gone from reality, but they will always be back... as a brand spanking new character with a whole new story and cast!

Deepness aside, I'll be back later with a How-To!

It's going to show you how to turn your ROOTED android Phone\Tablet into a nice little Netbook PC that you always have with you at all times! Complete with an entire Desktop with Familiar software that you may have ran on your Desktop or laptop PC before! I'll even cover on how to access the SDCards, USB Flash and Harddrives too!

I'll also be covering a Non-Root method, but make no mistake, the Root method is far superior.

Steventechno Out!

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