Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Linux Feature

Yes, you probably don't know what this is, though if you have a parent, or a grandparent who has a computer, but struggles on how to open up the web browser, or to use the basic functionality on Windows XP, or 7 if they actually aquired new, Give this a try.

This is a simple Distro of Linux, it's based on what those "Chromebooks" use, except the open version. You can download it onto a usb stick, burn it to a CD (if the computer is older) and install it. Anyways just check out the site, and see if it works. It may as well be faster to use than Windows XP as well, As it loads a browser, it'd be great for that computer you get on once in awhile to shoot an email, or play some internet music. So if you're mom or dad, grandad or grandma who needs to simply jump on the internet or wants to try it out, this may be your best bet for nothing out of your pocket... well maybe except a blank CD.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Ok so a bitch anervous wreck...not really. I ...ok ima let all dese bitches know dis a vent... ok so wa had happen was that today some hoe let's me know if I get the apartment. If I do I will literally cry of sheer happiness cuz omg the parties ill be throwin, the blunts ill be rollin! Lol jk y'all know ima fuckin saint. *bitch giggles in background* *turns around and slaps a bitch cross the faise* I'm surryus hoe! Anyways...omg...I'm excited and nervous...ill finally be rid of the wicked pie faced witch. I mean if u gonna be double faised u should have the decency of makin one pretty. But that's besides the point the point is I really want to learn how to vogue cuz that jus looks fun. I wanna join a crew its a damn shame though cuz I ain't got no time for none o dat. T_T what else...oh! DIR EN GREY CONCERT COMIN UP BITCHES!!! We need to come up wif elaborate costumes dammit! laptop got took away...that sucks. But when I save up mawnay ima get one fo mahself. My business is doing well. You can find it on the corner of Cheshire Bridge Rd and Faulkner Rd. Like literally on that corner. Um...OMG THIS BITCH IS SCARY AS FLUCK!!! Ok wha had happen was dat I right now have a roomate and da bitch...he like talks in his sleep and does really weird shit and everynight I go to bed terrified of being killed in my sleep by a sleepwalking dumbass bitch! I don't play dat shit its gotta go! Oh I have my rapping stage name! Yuss. Um what else do I gotta tell bitches? Oh about the story...umm....teahea? I have some of it but there's no way in hell ima post it using the phone...thas just too much...I bet enzera gonna complain cuz of how I typed this but then again I don't give a fluck. Yes that was random but then again idgaf.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

MOAR Rpg maker crapola.

ME and Dom have decided to work on a side project with this program. although i was unable to get the program to start without internet... well on an x64 OS I had to use a virtual machine to use it... so I installed Windows xp using Virtualbox and took the laptop somewhere to get online and voila, loaded it up on the tower and itworked
The project is currently named"Valentine Stories" We may or not keep this title, but to me it's an okay title. It's a game that's based in
nt see it possible to create something like so, but suprisingly i was able to pull something off. i had to replace some of the graphics with custom graphics (the ones that would have not been used anyways) Though, i've managed to create something that'll work just fine. although i'm not too sure about how i'm going to make the Map look, though i may leave it as it is. At the moment there is no story in the game, so there's not going to be a Demo anytime soon. Just scrModern time, although with RMVX at first i couldeenies on what's around.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Indoors song.

I know of a place, where you never get harmed, a magical place, with magical charm... indoors... indooors... IINNDDDOOOORRRSSS...... ohi :3~

Spongbob Squarepants referencing ftw!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Valentine Stories Chapter 1 Part 2

Chapter 1.II

I stand in front of my bedroom mirror. My green eyes shimmering brightly from the light my lamp has cast. I wear a baby blue short sleeved t-shirt that hugged tightly on my body. My hair was neatly intact due to the many brushes I had given it. My lips, soft and full. I begin to put in my earrings, there are six of them. My jeans also hugged tightly, giving my butt the beautiful shape it deserved. I have to make sure I look absolutely perfect.

*knock knock* “Come in”, I say. My best-friends, Eletta and Danny entered my room.

“Are you ready yet”, asked Danny.

“Almost,” I responded. Eletta walks up to me.

“Smile”, she says and I do as told. The light glistened across my white teeth. “All pretty,” Eletta said smiling, “breath check”. I inhale then exhale. Eletta reaches into her pocket and pulls out a mint. I take the mint and chew it. Eletta flips her hair, “looks like we are all ready”. We all share a friendly smile and started for the door.

“By the way, Eletta, you’re driving”. We lived in Altamira, Gemini, so we weren’t that far away from the Academy.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Valentine Stories Chapter 1 part I

The Valentine Stories
By Dominique Strums

Chapter 1.I
Six hundred years ago the world of the supernatural combined with the world of humans. I don’t know how or why this happened, but this is the world I live in today. The world is governed by the laws of the Elite, an organization made up of powerful beings, both human and supernatural. The Elite is divided into four divisions, hearts, spades, clubs, and diamonds. Each of those four divisions are divided into three, which are ruled by either a king, a queen, or a jack. Each of those possess a next in command known as the ace. They also lead a small army of nine soldiers also known as the seats. The seats rank in numbers two to ten, two being the highest.

My name is Dominique Valentine. I am eighteen years old. Today I am going to audition to join the Elite, well me and my two best friends, Eletta Smith and Danny Del Luiz. A couple weeks ago I noticed that I had gotten quite strong and fast. Somehow it seemed my abilities had been enhanced. I figured what best way to use them then to protect the world I live in. My real dream is to one day become a king, a queen, or a jack of the Elite.

By the way, today is October 1. The end of the month is my birthday, October 31.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Gay Pride Day in ATLANTA ^^

Who doesn't love pictures? 
Here's a post that says it all thorough images (and a few captions here and there ;). Enjoy!

Also! Click play while you look at the photos, its always fun to hear music while doing anything.
NuTone - Coming Back (featuring Heidi Vogel) by anbmjj 

To enlarge photos: I suggest you just right click it and choose open in new tab since by simply clicking on them will lead you away from the blog to a whole other address... we don't want that now do we. ^_^... >:U... :D

My beautiful step niece.

My gorgeous daughter Suki

My sister would kill me if she saw this.

wink! ;)

^ What an interesting and beautiful concept ^

Fierce Biatches.
Garu, blog contributor.




A message read but heard?
Wave to the Camera ^^

Steven Lee, Blog Contributor.