Thursday, October 27, 2011

MOAR Rpg maker crapola.

ME and Dom have decided to work on a side project with this program. although i was unable to get the program to start without internet... well on an x64 OS I had to use a virtual machine to use it... so I installed Windows xp using Virtualbox and took the laptop somewhere to get online and voila, loaded it up on the tower and itworked
The project is currently named"Valentine Stories" We may or not keep this title, but to me it's an okay title. It's a game that's based in
nt see it possible to create something like so, but suprisingly i was able to pull something off. i had to replace some of the graphics with custom graphics (the ones that would have not been used anyways) Though, i've managed to create something that'll work just fine. although i'm not too sure about how i'm going to make the Map look, though i may leave it as it is. At the moment there is no story in the game, so there's not going to be a Demo anytime soon. Just scrModern time, although with RMVX at first i couldeenies on what's around.

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