Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Valentine Stories Chapter 1 Part 2

Chapter 1.II

I stand in front of my bedroom mirror. My green eyes shimmering brightly from the light my lamp has cast. I wear a baby blue short sleeved t-shirt that hugged tightly on my body. My hair was neatly intact due to the many brushes I had given it. My lips, soft and full. I begin to put in my earrings, there are six of them. My jeans also hugged tightly, giving my butt the beautiful shape it deserved. I have to make sure I look absolutely perfect.

*knock knock* “Come in”, I say. My best-friends, Eletta and Danny entered my room.

“Are you ready yet”, asked Danny.

“Almost,” I responded. Eletta walks up to me.

“Smile”, she says and I do as told. The light glistened across my white teeth. “All pretty,” Eletta said smiling, “breath check”. I inhale then exhale. Eletta reaches into her pocket and pulls out a mint. I take the mint and chew it. Eletta flips her hair, “looks like we are all ready”. We all share a friendly smile and started for the door.

“By the way, Eletta, you’re driving”. We lived in Altamira, Gemini, so we weren’t that far away from the Academy.

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