Saturday, October 29, 2011


Ok so a bitch anervous wreck...not really. I ...ok ima let all dese bitches know dis a vent... ok so wa had happen was that today some hoe let's me know if I get the apartment. If I do I will literally cry of sheer happiness cuz omg the parties ill be throwin, the blunts ill be rollin! Lol jk y'all know ima fuckin saint. *bitch giggles in background* *turns around and slaps a bitch cross the faise* I'm surryus hoe! Anyways...omg...I'm excited and nervous...ill finally be rid of the wicked pie faced witch. I mean if u gonna be double faised u should have the decency of makin one pretty. But that's besides the point the point is I really want to learn how to vogue cuz that jus looks fun. I wanna join a crew its a damn shame though cuz I ain't got no time for none o dat. T_T what else...oh! DIR EN GREY CONCERT COMIN UP BITCHES!!! We need to come up wif elaborate costumes dammit! laptop got took away...that sucks. But when I save up mawnay ima get one fo mahself. My business is doing well. You can find it on the corner of Cheshire Bridge Rd and Faulkner Rd. Like literally on that corner. Um...OMG THIS BITCH IS SCARY AS FLUCK!!! Ok wha had happen was dat I right now have a roomate and da bitch...he like talks in his sleep and does really weird shit and everynight I go to bed terrified of being killed in my sleep by a sleepwalking dumbass bitch! I don't play dat shit its gotta go! Oh I have my rapping stage name! Yuss. Um what else do I gotta tell bitches? Oh about the story...umm....teahea? I have some of it but there's no way in hell ima post it using the phone...thas just too much...I bet enzera gonna complain cuz of how I typed this but then again I don't give a fluck. Yes that was random but then again idgaf.

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