Thursday, September 29, 2011

The "Gay" Community needs a new name. a vent

There's no doubt, the NEW definition of the word "Gay" now means "stupid" and "horrible" by mainstream popularity. i think a new name would be a better idea, i mean how many people say "That horrible game is so lesbian" or anything like that? let's face it. they won, i think a new name would be a good idea, that way, everyone wins, and some people (Like me) wont be constantly aggravated over it. honestly i couldnt come up with a new title but it'd be much better than it translating out to "The "Stupid" Community" or anything. Tell me what you think, i SERIOUSLY doubt we'd ever win the word back to it's originality, kids will be brought up by it, say like i did with the word "retarded" to describe something bad. as now the word is now a negative thing, people, generally KIDS will see a homosexual aka "a gay person" and automatically assume theyre something to hate upon. Tell me what you guys think would you like a change in it or do you think it's fine as it is?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

You know why I'm confused?

Because 1 of all six of us.. ONE, is actually following my personal blog. If you didn't know, I will tell you now, I need attention. So all of you better click on one of the many links on this blog to my blog and follow me. Good Day :)... fine, I'll add a please... Please? (I'm tired of posting on my blog and then posting a link to the new post when you can easily follow me and you'll be personally notified. Do it nyoaw! :3)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

HEY! You all BETTER click on this link! I put a LOT of effort into this!
    Do YOU know Dir en grey?

Its a very long post I'll admit, but if you have time.. JUST GO THROUGH IT, and no complaining =_=. And for all you people who prefer picture books to literature... there are PA-LEN-TEE of pictures, so have fun with that. Alrighty, have a great day everyone.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Bloody Date posty by ena

Since, unlike u losers, i wont be writing stories ill contribute by posting videos I like! ur welcome. btw come visit me soon so we can take lots of pics!

Double Faced Quarter

Ok so again I'm sorry fo takin long on the story, I'm still writing but I felt bad so I wrote a lil sumn sumn on da side. it could be a poem or a rap idk u decide. I would like constructive critism. Ok here goes.

Ok, so there's this bitch that has been getting on my nerves.
What the witch don't know is she won't know what's coming towards her,
What she really fuckin deserves.
But its ok, cuz I had lots to say.
I was not a bit reserved.

I said, "Listen you fuckin cunt! I'm gonna be blunt."
"I ain't gonna beat around them bushes. I'd rather beat you and leave you with some fuckin bruises!"
"Listen you rat bitch, I'm the bad bitch! Knock your fuckin lights out like a light switch!"
"Don't think you can play with me, you double faced quarter,
Cuz I'll pound on you like I was debris, they'll scream 'it was cold blooded murder!'"
Duh that's my intentions...
Did you pay attention? Or do I have to go again? Ok again.

Listen you short, fat faced snitch
How many times I gotta say you reek of rat bitch!?
Your stupidity is pissing me off.
Your instability, irritability is causing bitches to fuck off.
That's why your stupidity is gonna lead you to your infertility
Lulz menopause!
Wait! Press pause!
Its not like you even had a chance!
You have a dumb man now but all you do is leave him in suspense!
That's the consequence of being so fugly.
It'll all end abruptly so roughly, unfortunately but you deserve it cuz you're so damn ugly! Bitch!
Dayum I done went all out on this hoe. Lulzification process has commenced.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Canceling Mega Bite..

I have decided to cancel my written story, Mega Bite.
Im turning it into a comic instead :)
Ive already started

Nothing to Eat

Hey guys! Check out my new short story.. very short, no worry's. ^_^ It'a a nice little reading that's all. *Obvious advertisement*

Feel my cold hunger, it yearns to be spread like the darkness inside garu-chan's head. LOL ;)

(I.e., the darkness inside Garu-chans head, is unlike the darkness in mine. If we wanted to find the similarity to which I refer, the darkness inside his head is polar to the lightness in mind... my bulbs are all working, not screwed in of course, its obvious my nuts and bolts are a loose.)

Sorry fo da wait

I'm werkin on my story but I rather have more than one chapter ready just in case so it might take a while...oh and I've been havin trouble wif some bitches but ima have to make it clear to em that my backhand is lethal. Other than that have a good day and while ur at it listen to weezy's The Carter IV. That shit go hard.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I am truly disappointed

So I got my Dum Spiro Spero Bundle Pack today. Lets see, I ordered it June.. 14th? I wanna say? The website: omega order. Yeah first of all, this was supposed to be a pre-sale item... for some reason I ended up with it 2 MONTHS after its debut. The description wasn't very clear so to be honest. I wasn't even sure what I was getting exactly. But one thing I knew for sure, I was getting the deluxe edition of the album. That was what I screamed at my computer screen for (when I was buying it or course... Garu-chan knows, we were on the phone when I saw it.) out of pure excitement and anticipation... yeah, talk about bursting my bubble. NOT the album of course. The things that I was supposed to be getting WITH it. Apparently the things I was supposed to be getting were: Dum.S.S. Delx edition, a dir en grey t-shirt, 2 Lp's, and a SIGNED poster.. as in signed BY DIR EN GREY! When I found out... pfft, you can imagine how angry I was... that THAT was what actually got sold out. But the man I spoke to LAST WEEK (1st contact with a real human at their contact number) he explained I'd be able to choose something else of Dir en Grey's older stuff (Dvd's, last album they did, and several t-shirts) so I choose a t-shirt cause I already lack clothing and everything else I have or can get. He also said instead of the sold out poster, I'd be receiving a much larger poster. I was a little happier because I've always wanted a dir en grey poster to hang on my wall... another huge mistake. That poster has TEXT on it! NONE of the band members's actually faces, and it's from 2009 tour all visible things. -_-... I think... just this once, I've truly earned the opportunity to say #whyalwaysme.

   FYI, I'm listening to the album right now... you like eargasms? Then you will like Dum Spero Spiro... its that simple. Good day everyone. >.>

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just random thoughts

Being couped up in this room really brings back those boring memories i had, when i had nothing better to do except waste all my time sitting around, though i have played games, and stuff i've played with FL studio too, made a few tracks a few years ago, which i loved and plastered all over my old myspace. anyways here's probably the best i made. lol

Monday, September 12, 2011

Buddhism is a religion.

There's this kid in one of my classes who seriously told me that Bhuddism wasn't a religion and the day before he asked me if my blonde hair streak was natural. Honestly, I wanted to believe that people just act stupid, but no, this kid was legit unintelligent. Bhudda, enlighten him please.

Anyways, I'm not much of a story teller, so most of my posts will be poetry such as:

Laundry Mat Confrontation

Tumble dry

Tumble low

let it fumble to the floor,

Out of your silky hands

And into bear threads

On the cement cracks.

It slips down your shoulders and just

As it tumbles and rumbles

Thread bear fingers capture it.

Silky hands, tug at the fabric,

Take back your delicates, don’t panic.

Those thread bear fingers wont steal

from you.

Hold on tight,

Like you were holding on to your lover

Because there will be no other

Thread bear fingers can’t take your clothes

Like she took your man.

Silky hands grow stronger in time

And no longer will be pulling and tugging

On loose ends.

Take back what’s yours

And leave those raggedy




delicates for her.

Ummm... I know poetry can be misleading or confusing, so this is about a woman who lost her man to some cheap hoe (Thread bear Fingers), and they saw each other at a coin laundry, and the cheap hoe was tryna steal Silky Hands shet, but Silky Hands was like, "awe hell nah, you can have my leftovers." xD

My mind is fukked.

Like I'm over here at werk thinkin about pointless things I shouldn't be thinkin bout. Li...seriously...but then again its always been that way for me and apparently I'm a heartless emotionless bitch. But I lik it that way cuz if I get emotional then a bitch would get hurt easier. Duh. But whatever. I have other stuff to really worry about. Like surviving the mean streets of life in an independant way. But that's not really a prob cuz I'm a strong black woman who can get shit done! I get it done two stick in my bun! (Nicki minaj ref) lulzification process has commenced.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

To all the blog contributors and blog visitors.

     So to all my blog contributors, as you can see ALL of the posts are now visible when we open the page. It used to be 7 posts at a time but now its 7 days (apparently) so I guess after a week's up the ones we posted will go back in to hiding. But at least this time for all our visitors, the posts are visible to explore. Good day, and good reading(/watching/seeing :P)

     Now. Two out of the 6 members actually posted pictures of themselves. I shall now posts everyone's photo in one go. Who know's? Someone might like your photo and choose to follow you personally (not like stalk follow, like follow your posts o_O). ;D

 Liz Tello:


PunkMonkiez aka Dominique Demonez Lee:


Panda_X-ing_On_The_ Floor:
And noooow~ Enzera-chaaan!!! 〜(^∇^〜)(〜^∇^)〜
Your trustworthy leader.

[Random person's thought: "She looks insane à² _ಠ"]

So now that you see us all in separate photos. Here's one with all of us in it!
Posts by random, awesome people blog moderators. What can I say we take our work seriously. ;D

Saturday, September 10, 2011

FINE! Since you guys BEGGED for this on the GROUP blog (Or else you'd never read it >_>). Enjoy and a heads up for ADULT content! ^_~

The "As he kissed her goodnight she stirred awake" Series

      For all you above average artists and writers out there. You know when you begin your work and you come to a fork in the road? With a work of art its "either I add this or I add this." With a piece of writing its "either my story goes this way or it goes that way." Yeah well that happened to me so I decided to go both paths. So the "As he kissed her goodnight she stirred awake" is the first sentence in Both stories. But I decided in this one to spare you guys, I'll only post the second story. But only cause it came out a lot better. Although I didn't expect it to turn into porn. I can honestly say there was no reason, mood, or any sort of start to why I ended up writing this.. perhaps because it is certainly quite easy to write, unlike an actual awesome story. So yeah um... enjoy. (no gay porn, sorry boys.. and gals?)
As he kissed her goodnight she stirred awake. He didn’t want her to realize he was the reason for her premature awakening so he pretended to sleep. The woman tilted her head out of habit and saw her lover sleeping soundly, so she lightly kissed his forehead. To the woman’s dismay she saw that she had awoken the man. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, “Go back to sleep.” The man looked around as if confused and then looked at the woman. “Oh… what time is it?” His groggy voice choked out, he was quite the actor. “It’s too early to get up,” the woman smiled softly back. The man said it’s too late and lifted up to stretch. The woman said alright and did the same. The time was 4 in the morning and the sun was no where in sight. “Now what should we do?” The man’s voice said surprisingly without a trace of sleep. The woman eyed him questioningly and then only laughed. The man slightly ducked his head and said “I mean uuh… ooh I’m sooo sleepy still.” They began laughing together. The man stopped laughing first and only stared at the woman. When the woman realized she slowly stopped laughing as well and stared back at the man, a trace of humor still touching her smiling lips. “Your laugh is the laugh of a singing angel” the man said with a slightly serious, slightly adoring face. The woman cracked up. “Oh shut it!” She laughed out while hoping out of bed. The man didn’t see that coming so he got out of bed and followed the woman. “I’m serious!” The man whined out. The woman could tell his feelings were hurt. “What a baby,” she thought to herself. “Okay, thanks?” Is all the woman could think to say. That was good enough. The man was immediately happy again and lifted her tightly in an embrace. The woman began laughing from the sudden absence of gravity but then stopped short from the hardness that touched her leg. “Baby!” She yelled out. “It’s morning wood, that’s all,” the man said half embarrassed, half amused. “Du-yeah oookaay” the woman rolled her eyes and got down. “How long have you been awake before you woke me up?” The woman eyed the man, hand on her hips tapping the floor. The man felt as if he were being scorned by his mother for wetting the bed. “Not looong, just… I was staring at your face. It’s beautiful you know.” With that, all seriousness left the woman’s face and she began laughing again. “Whatever!” The woman choked out. She headed towards the kitchen and the man only followed. “Mmh… I want a snack” The woman pouted out. “Then eat something.” The man simply replied. “Eat me” he thought in his head. He was obviously hard from additional thoughts as well. The woman turned back to him frowning and the man swore she just heard what he thought to himself. “I can’t just EAT, it’s four in the morning!” The woman said, slightly agitated. The man felt relieved. “Oh, umm… sorry?” The woman rolled her eyes. “Mmh,” she pondered. The man took that time to cross the distance between them, and embrace the woman once more, this time purposefully exposing his hardness to her. The woman giggled out shyly “teeheehee, stoppp.” The man saw this as an opportunity so he turned the woman and swiftly began kissing her on the mouth. Due to the first and second time the man rubbed against her, the kiss was just enough to get her going. The man stopped kissing her and huffed out “How bout’ a midnight snack?” They kissed again. The woman then stopped and breathed out “it’s 4 o’clock, not midnight.” They kissed once more. The man then said “that’s a yes” and lifted her onto the counter. The woman only moaned in agreement.
The two were only in their pajamas, the woman’s; a nightgown and panties, and the man’s;  a shirt and boxer shorts, so that really allowed for easy access. The man acted first. He put one hand on the woman’s back and the other hand began reaching for her underwear. The woman followed step and broke the kiss to remove her lover’s shirt. Her underwear was half-way off already when she reached for his boxer pants. The man used both of his hands to finally take the underwear off and the woman only pushed down the man’s boxer’s to reveal the man’s erected penis. The woman hopped off the counter and got onto her knees while the man pulled her nightgown over her shoulders to reveal her soft breasts. When the man reached for the woman’s breast she bent more, out of reach from the man, to take his boxer’s off completely. The two were now completely naked in there kitchen with the light from the ceiling fan and the soft light from the outside shining upon them. There was one window in the kitchen, but the blinds were shut tightly. The sun wouldn’t reach them until a couple more hours so they spent the rest of the time with each other. The man began playing with the succulent breasts he had come to love so much while the woman roughly turned the man against the counter and wrapped her mouth around the cock she had come to adore.

     The woman began the repetition she had studied to bring the man to his peak the fastest. (And it never got boring to him.) She went up and down and turned her head from side to side. The man smiled softly in delight, he gently pulled her hair to the side and whispered into her ear “That’s it, lick it all up”. She became even more enthusiastic. She continued diligently, up, down, up, down, paused over the head and then licked every inch of his manhood. She knew his climax was near so she continued to suck the living life out of him- until… “Oouuah” the man groaned out. “Mmh “the woman said in reply. She looked into his eyes as spurts of her lover’s seamen came into her mouth. She swallowed them lovingly. The man brought her to her feet, turned her around, and went down on his knees. The woman only smiled seductively at him. He pushed her onto the counter top and spread her legs apart, thus revealing her in every way imaginable. He then began the ceremony he had come to LOVE performing. Letters were written over her clitoris. A, B, C, D, he continued through the whole alphabet. To the woman it felt like his tongue was a talent to behold. She ran her fingers through his hair and pushed him further onto her vagina. His tongue slipped into her wet vaginal canal and the woman moaned in delight. The man adored pleasuring his lover so he became hard as stone and turned into a ravishing monster. He pulled away from her vagina with his mouth only to replace it with his rock hard penis. She screamed in delight as he thrust deep inside her. The lover’s were now holding onto each other tightly as they began the dance of sexual connection. He pushed into her and she only pushed back just as hard. They locked their mouths in a tongue gouging kiss. The man’s penis went in and out, warring with the woman’s cervix and g-spot. The woman began massaging the man’s testicles with one hand and nipping one of his nipples with the other.(pun, lol... lets continue ;D) The man groaned in delight. The lover’s looked fiercely into one and other’s eyes; it was a look only people connected on such a high level can retain. They truly loved each other very much. The first orgasm came soon and then another a little longer afterwards. They were so turned on by each other that they lasted for several hours. It wasn’t until the sun was fully visible on the horizon that the lover’s finally had their last peak, this time enjoying it together. The man fell on top of the woman and she only laughed with exhaustion clear in her voice. They got off the living room couch (which was one of the many places they had migrated to in their sexual journey) and made their way slowly, yet surely to their bedroom. Luckily for them it was Labor Day weekend so they both had the day off.  They wouldn’t be waking up until 2 in the afternoon, a well needed nap. The woman looked into the man’s eyes and whispered “What a great snack.” They both began laughing. The man voiced his agreement and continued laughing. “I love you,” he said to her. “I love you too,” she said in reply.

Dominique Valentine (Appearance in Mega Bite)

This is my character for Mega Bite, Dominique Valentine, btw its just a sketch

Friday, September 9, 2011

Random RPG Maker crapola

Dom was just sitting around, he saw me messing with it and he wanted a part with it. so i started just messing around, he originally wanted to use a screenshot from his IMVU character, but i thought it would have been a better idea to draw a version instead. well while later he drew a random character, i was bored and wanted to color, so i took a pic with a camera and opened up GIMP. though what i was doing with it was terrible, so i closed it and switched into, i started tracing and it turned out better, but too clean looking, ended up just merging the layers and just cleaned it a little, though it actually turned out pretty good, when i used the "Waterpaint" or whatever effect a few times while cleaning it out. the end result was nice. PSST the line was rushed without a care in the world. lolXD

Something totally random.

Hello boys n' Girls, This is my first random thing that i'm typing to pass time while i listen to Nu:Tone. I just got done eating pizza, I've also a few days ago "Bridged Connections" to get net access on my tower using my net book as a router. How i'm getting online to do this is by an open connection nearby, which i only use to download music and some files, while Dom happens to be downloading movies, hogging the traffic.. grrrr. Anyways i MAY begin working on a serious-ish RMVX Project, I once had one that had a Lateral world story-line, as well as deeper side stories, which i lost due to a hard drive becoming unreadable. Right now i do not exactly have a Title for it, nor a plot, though i may base this one off of my old one, I may call it..... The Story of Lateral Existence, JUST like my last one, it'll feature a very similar story-line. more updates when i decide to get on the ball...... MORE Random things, I MISS DRIVING. Though once i get the starter fixed i have tags to worry about, and it's not in my name so i'm phucked. That's pretty much for now.

Tea House Comics (its a must read)

Updates for Mega Bite

ok so i've decided to post a new chapter every two days, so the next one, chapter 2 wont b up till Saturday around 12am.
also a few things to look out on, Danny does not get sick and is always warm, why? can you guess?
who is this mysterious man in the black coat?
also two pics for each chapter of the story will be uploaded soon. so 2 pics per chapter.
other things to look forward to: new powers, magic spells, ghost, demons, vampires, werewolves, fairies, imps, and much much more...should warn you now four of your beloved characters.....will die (this includes future characters as well, soooooo happy guessing lol )

Don't worry guys

Don't worry this look is only temporary (I'm going to sleep now) I'll fix it up later. But I put it like this cause its decent enough and its a lot easier to read so heara chu go.

Listen for the PINGAS!

Pingas!! by Matt Ellingham

Some of my old TEENAGE Thoughts

All everyone cares for anymore is about sex, porn, weed and Alcohol, (as hard as it can get) me? nono. i dont care for those things. 99..9% of everyon i know has had at least a sip of beer. 98.9% all smoke (weed,Cigs) alot. me? nono. no go. that is a reson i dont really have friends worth a fuck. more include:

  • All they care about is sex, weed, porn and trying to get wasted as possible enough to get poisoning. me, i am not like that.
  • They have to do some Crime sometime. like breaking into stores to get cigarettes or more booze. of going to the sign to fuck with the letters, (obviously pisses everyone off)
  • My Favorite Band Sucks. everyone i know (just about every) finds Death/Brutal/Black Metal and Punk rock as Pussy music. they find the oldies 1980-70's (Often Stoner Music) the shit. anything (what i like) 2001+ is fucking lame. maybe a few like it but is not the Fave.
  • Always Ignoring me. At Lunch time, i will try talking to some i know and found being ignored. what have i done to diserve this? OH WAIT THATS RIGHT Everything earlier is YOU. have fun at your parties, going to jail and dying from cancer or Alcohol Poisining. and thanks for being there to take up space i need to get around. Good bye

Let's take note THIS IS SOMETHING I WROTE A LONG TIME AGO. just how i used to feel back when i was desolate from society.

Nu:Tone Coming Back (featuring Heidi Vogel)

An Excellent song, let's hope you people enjoy as much as i do.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

BrainStorm Bitches

ok so right now im only just brainstorming ideas for a story. well the first thing that i thought of was a vampire novel. and i really like that idea but i need some plots. no twilight crap. ok i got it. nvm i have an idea but it has to be kept secret. until the final product. i have a feeling this is gonna be good.
I'll be posting it in chapters...yeah...ok....ima start werk on it.
btw to all who care i just got hit on by a random drunk dude and i was li O_o U AINT CUTE BITCH BACK AWFF!!!!

Mega Bite ch.1 (A story by Dominique Demonez Lee)

Mega Bite

Chapter 1

“I can’t do this to you. Please you have to fight it.” I can’t see anything. Just black. Just…darkness. These voices, they sound so familiar. “I can’t do this to you. Please you have to fight it”, the voice repeated. Still…darkness. This feeling…uncertainty and fear…it polluted my body.

I awoke in a cold sweat. Unable to control my breathing I place my hand on my chest. Slowly I gain back my control. “What a dream”, I say turning to my left. I check the time on my digital clock. Eleven AM.

“Dammit” I mutter. I hop out of bed and run into the bathroom to do my every morning routine.

Quickly I run out. Out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. In a rush I shove on some clothes. Quickly I run down the stairs. I pass by a large mirror that stand near the front door. Silence. I stare in the mirror, examining the outfit I had thrown together. Silence. I begin to think about what would happen if I walk out this door wearing this getup. I slowly walk back up the stairs to change into something a little more…normal. The dream still sitting in the back of my mind.

I arrive back to the mirror and once again examine my outfit. “Not my best piece but I still look good”, I say smiling and posing. Often I dream of the celebrity life. The lights, flashing cameras, fancy dinner parties, and of course people getting a crouch shot of me as I get out of my new expensive car. (Hey don’t act like you’ve never done it before, judging me, shame on you.)

I leave my home and hop into my little green Toyota and begin to drive towards my destination. (A man wearing a long black coat and black hat watches from a distance.)

(Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.) My name is Dominique Valentine. I am eighteen years old and I am a witch. I’m not one hundred percent sure on what that means but, my grandmother, before she died, said to me,” Dominique, you are the protector of the innocent, the front line between good and evil…you are a witch”. Those were her last words to me before she died two months ago. I miss her.

I currently work as a librarian in a library known as Crosse Reads. I’ve been working there for maybe a year since I finished high school. My race is a mix of both African American and Salvadorian. I have big brown eyes, a young face, and an average body build. I have one of those faces that does not change much since my baby phase. (Sorry I forgot to mention) I’m gay. I’m a man. There for I am a gay man.

I live in the northern part of California in a place known as Monte Beltrami. It’s kind of a small place but we live close to the major cities where people often go to for better schools or the nightlife.

I have arrived. I park into the parking lot behind Crosse Reads. I love my job. I along with my other co-workers are allowed to wear anything we want, as long as it’s appropriate, of course. I get out of my car and close the door. Two steps later it opens with a squeak. I turn back and close the door again. “Stupid door”. I walk away and hear a squeak. The door has opened…again. I use my force to kick the door closed, leaving a dent in it. “Try and open now”, I say feeling cooler than the other side of a pillow. (The man wearing the black coat and hat watches from a distance.)

Finally I enter the store of my employment.

“Ah, I see you’ve finally decided to join us”, says Mr. Colette. Mr. Colette, Mr. Scott Colette, is a man of age forty-seven. He moved here to Monte Beltrami from England the same day I was born. He is the kindest and smartest man I know. Although from time to time he can be a smart ass. He is the owner and founder of Crosse Reads. He has short wavy brown hair that is growing grey and a nice healthy build. (I know he must have been so damn sexy back in his day.)

“Sorry I’m late, I had the strangest dream”, I say to Mr. Colette…It’s still in my head.

“Did you dream of Tommy Adams again?” say Eletta. Eletta Smith is my best-friend. I met her in the fourth grade when she moved here from New York. She is of Jamaican decent with dark brown eyes and straight bright red hair that lengthen to her shoulders. She is almost like my twin when it comes to personality minus the fact that she is incredibly smart. Back in high school she finished every subject with an A. She also took up photography. She is quite the photographer. (Before I forget.) She is boy crazy, much like me, but she only has eyes for Asian men.

“Gurl, I haven’t dreamt of Tommy Adams since Thursday,” I say back to her. (It’s Saturday by the way.) Tommy Adams is this straight guy I’ve been crushing on since sophomore year of high school. He’s tall, about six foot two, green eyes, brown hair, and nothing but muscle. The high schools quarter back. (I know you saw that coming.)

“You know he’s back in school right?” says Danny. Danny Del Luiz is my other best-friend. I have known him since the day I was born. He is a year older than me although most of the time people think I’m the older one. Probably because he doesn’t really talk much to people. He is some type of Hispanic; he has long wavy and messy black hair, thin eyes, and soft looking lips. He wears these big glasses, which without them he’s blind. He usually wears over sized clothes and things that look like hand me downs. We kissed once in second grade but we were kids, he’s a straight boy now…although he’s never had a girlfriend, and he’s nowhere near my type. (Ew)

“Aw he finally graduated”, I say. When I met Tommy, I was a sophomore and he a senior.

“No, he’s a senior again”, Danny replied. Somehow I’m not surprised.

“Poor guy”, said Eletta. “Fool”.

“Don’t forget about our special guest tonight,” reminded Mr. Colette. Silence. We all stare at him. Silence. We look at each other quickly and shrug, then back at him. “I swear. My son, my son Jared. He’s coming. He should be here in about three hours or so.” We have never met Jared before nor have we heard much about him. All we know is that Mr. Colette travels to England to see him once a year and we get a bonus on our paychecks. Now I feel like shopping.

Ding! A lady walks in and begins to browse the store. “Welcome to Crosse Reads,” Eletta and I say together. Danny and Mr. Colette are organizing all the books and putting them in their appropriate place. The lady gives us a friendly smile and continues about her business.

Hours later, a young man walks in. He has sea blue eyes, short slightly wavy dirty blonde hair with bangs heavily swerved to one side, and a strong jaw. He looks about five foot nine with an athletic build. He wears an opened button up plaid shirt with blue jeans that has tares at the knees and brown boots. Eletta and I stare at this magnificent beauty that walks through the door. Danny rolls his eyes and coughs. I snap out of my hypnosis, “Hello, welcome to Crosse Reads, I’m Dominique”. I flutter my eyelashes, “I enjoy anime and long walks on the beach”. Silence. Eletta, Danny, and Mr. Colette stare me with wide eyed. Silence.

“Um ok”, says the mysterious young man. Even his voice is beautiful. That gorgeous English accent. “Hey dad”, he says walking over towards Mr. Colette. The two quickly hug and the introductions begin.

“Son, I’d like you to meet Danny Del Luiz and Eletta Smith”, Jared shake their hands and smile.

“Nice to meet you. I’ve heard many things about you all”, he says.

“Nice to meet you too. We’ve heard a lot about you to”, says Danny. (Lies, all lies.)

Mr. Colette and Jared then turn to me. “This is Dominique Valentine”. Silence. Blank stares.

“We’ve met”, Jared says. Silence. He stares at me. “He doesn’t look like much of a witch to me”. What is he talking about? I never told him that. He couldn’t have heard from Mr. Colette because I didn’t tell him either about what my grandmother said to me. I haven’t told anybody, not even Eletta or Danny. A puzzled look shown on my face.

Mr. Colette softly says, “I haven’t talked to them about that yet”. Danny takes off his glasses and cleans them. He puts them back on.

“Who you callin’ a witch?” says Eletta angrily. I’m still puzzled. Lost in thought. “I will cut you up” Eletta stands fearlessly.

“Oh boy. I’m terribly sorry. Let me explain”, says Mr. Colette. “This secret stays between us only. No one else is to know this.” He looks around, “Eletta, Danny, I trust you and I know Dominique does to.” He takes a deep breath “Dominique you are a witch. You are the protector of the innocent and the front line between good and evil”. That’s the same thing my grandmother said to me. “You are not the only one. There are five witches. Including you, that must defend and protect this world. My son Jared is another. For centuries this has been going on. When all five witches pass away, their power, knowledge, and destiny is transferred to the next generation of witches, you and Jared and three others. Dominique, your grandmother was a witch”.

What the hell is he talking about? I have always looked at Mr. Colette as some sort of genius, but now… I don’t know. Eletta, Danny, and I all share this puzzled look. I can feel that fear is in the room as well. Silence. I can’t get any words out. I’m frozen…speechless.

He continues, “The power of the witches had not been released up until two months ago.”

“Grandma”, I said softly. Eletta and Danny slightly still puzzled yet intrigued.

“Correct. Your Grandmother was the last of the five witches. When she died it allowed the next generation of witches to come forth.” It’s starting to make sense to me. I believe him. Every word of it.

“How do you know all this?” Danny asked. A feeling of sadness hovered the room.

“My mother”, Jared says,” She was a witch. She was the youngest of the five. She became a witch at eleven years old”.

“I’m sorry. When did she__”

“That story is for another time”, Mr. Colette interrupted. “Dominique I need you to believe me”, he looks at me. His eyes are filled with so much hope; sadness and pain also sleep within his eyes.

“I do believe you”, I say. “I just need some time to think about this”.

To all my visitors.

You know what I just realized? Half of this group has limited-to-no access to the internet. O_O But they all have access once and a while.. only thing is sometimes that time is when they're at SOMEONE ELSE'S computer, meaning they don't have their personal files and there for can only contribute a measly little short-in-length note.... CURSESS! >_< (lol)

But don't make that discourage you from following us, eheh-heh o_O. Well ya'll can always come over to my personal blog. ;D (You know how right? Clickity on my name there and scroll down to my blogs and hit the link NEXT to this one :3)

Alrighty, thanks for reading this. Have a wonderful day and remember, [Insert practical quote here.] K-byezees.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

WTF AM I DOING!?!?!?! (Garu's first "vent")

okay so i was told to write shit here so ... what am i spose to fuckin write? can i curse? idgaff!!! anyways yes as you can all see i am pissed... why? i dont fuckin know! im tired, things feel like they are going way too fast! i mean goddamit. my brain is idek! i just wanna go fall into some random abyss and just be by myself for sometime. like them bitches from anne rice's novels... like how lestat done buried himself and woke up some decades later. i wanna do that.... ugg.

drinking boys (Ena's... thing)

my contribution is now am going to sleep good night!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hey all! Enzera-chan here!

Hey look its me :3
Hey.. hey... hey.... check out my personal blog. :D! And don't just go like "oouh, la-la-la, nice background *leaves*. NO! Read it k?... You know what? Nvm.. don't read it its a little... too... "not for children." *reverse psychology* (Did it work? /_o lulz.)

Dominique Demonez Lee

Thats me :) Dominique Demonez Lee aka PunkMonkiez

Enzera-chan first contribution

Ok so this is not me :D. This is Dom, another member of out blog. He will be posting shortly but for now this is my contribution.. an epic picture of him.. :P

Alright so I WAS gonna put a story up.. buutt.. it's like straight up porn (well written porn if I do say so myself... not the sex, the writing... um, I'm a good writer?) Anywho I wasn't sure if I was gonna add it or not so for now I'll just put this. Enjoy.

I Was Forced Into This. No, really. (Liz's first post)

I was writing another poem, but this one was more vulgar! Great first post eh? :)


The feeling you get when
you forget everything you were taught
All the morals, everything, just... forgot.
All the thoughts running wild,
"Is this really happening?
Is this worth a while?"
Or merely a couple of days, and then what?
I forget...

There's no point.
Why waste time with someone
who doesn't give you space,
living life like it's a race to the finish.
Finish of what?
Attraction? Lust?
There's no point.

When someone treats you like
Malleable dust bunnies
But he calls you honey
Hidden in the closet, beneath the bed,
In an unlit chamber with no pillow for your head.
Let yourself go with the flow
and do the deed,
But then what?
Are you considered a slut?
A whore who everyone abhors
Because you forget your place in the face of the world,

All you can think of
"is this really happening, do I want this?"

You do not know what you want
Where you are
Who you are.

It was a mistake,
But it didn't feel like it.
Nothing felt fake,
at the time right?

But now, looking back,
Shame pulls on loose threads,
Unravels a secret you couldn't bear
and shows what you really are.

You hope with high hopes
that no one finds out,
That rumors don't go about, ruining what?
A reputation. A standard.
The disease spreads and what is left is
that resented feeling of dread
and filthiness.

That's what you are.

Dirty is too kind a word to describe you
It's what you get for being a fool.
A useless tool with no self control
No recollection of the long talks with your mother about being priceless.