Friday, September 9, 2011

Something totally random.

Hello boys n' Girls, This is my first random thing that i'm typing to pass time while i listen to Nu:Tone. I just got done eating pizza, I've also a few days ago "Bridged Connections" to get net access on my tower using my net book as a router. How i'm getting online to do this is by an open connection nearby, which i only use to download music and some files, while Dom happens to be downloading movies, hogging the traffic.. grrrr. Anyways i MAY begin working on a serious-ish RMVX Project, I once had one that had a Lateral world story-line, as well as deeper side stories, which i lost due to a hard drive becoming unreadable. Right now i do not exactly have a Title for it, nor a plot, though i may base this one off of my old one, I may call it..... The Story of Lateral Existence, JUST like my last one, it'll feature a very similar story-line. more updates when i decide to get on the ball...... MORE Random things, I MISS DRIVING. Though once i get the starter fixed i have tags to worry about, and it's not in my name so i'm phucked. That's pretty much for now.

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