Monday, September 12, 2011

Buddhism is a religion.

There's this kid in one of my classes who seriously told me that Bhuddism wasn't a religion and the day before he asked me if my blonde hair streak was natural. Honestly, I wanted to believe that people just act stupid, but no, this kid was legit unintelligent. Bhudda, enlighten him please.

Anyways, I'm not much of a story teller, so most of my posts will be poetry such as:

Laundry Mat Confrontation

Tumble dry

Tumble low

let it fumble to the floor,

Out of your silky hands

And into bear threads

On the cement cracks.

It slips down your shoulders and just

As it tumbles and rumbles

Thread bear fingers capture it.

Silky hands, tug at the fabric,

Take back your delicates, don’t panic.

Those thread bear fingers wont steal

from you.

Hold on tight,

Like you were holding on to your lover

Because there will be no other

Thread bear fingers can’t take your clothes

Like she took your man.

Silky hands grow stronger in time

And no longer will be pulling and tugging

On loose ends.

Take back what’s yours

And leave those raggedy




delicates for her.

Ummm... I know poetry can be misleading or confusing, so this is about a woman who lost her man to some cheap hoe (Thread bear Fingers), and they saw each other at a coin laundry, and the cheap hoe was tryna steal Silky Hands shet, but Silky Hands was like, "awe hell nah, you can have my leftovers." xD

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