Sunday, September 11, 2011

To all the blog contributors and blog visitors.

     So to all my blog contributors, as you can see ALL of the posts are now visible when we open the page. It used to be 7 posts at a time but now its 7 days (apparently) so I guess after a week's up the ones we posted will go back in to hiding. But at least this time for all our visitors, the posts are visible to explore. Good day, and good reading(/watching/seeing :P)

     Now. Two out of the 6 members actually posted pictures of themselves. I shall now posts everyone's photo in one go. Who know's? Someone might like your photo and choose to follow you personally (not like stalk follow, like follow your posts o_O). ;D

 Liz Tello:


PunkMonkiez aka Dominique Demonez Lee:


Panda_X-ing_On_The_ Floor:
And noooow~ Enzera-chaaan!!! 〜(^∇^〜)(〜^∇^)〜
Your trustworthy leader.

[Random person's thought: "She looks insane ಠ_ಠ"]

So now that you see us all in separate photos. Here's one with all of us in it!
Posts by random, awesome people blog moderators. What can I say we take our work seriously. ;D

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