Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mega Bite ch.1 (A story by Dominique Demonez Lee)

Mega Bite

Chapter 1

“I can’t do this to you. Please you have to fight it.” I can’t see anything. Just black. Just…darkness. These voices, they sound so familiar. “I can’t do this to you. Please you have to fight it”, the voice repeated. Still…darkness. This feeling…uncertainty and fear…it polluted my body.

I awoke in a cold sweat. Unable to control my breathing I place my hand on my chest. Slowly I gain back my control. “What a dream”, I say turning to my left. I check the time on my digital clock. Eleven AM.

“Dammit” I mutter. I hop out of bed and run into the bathroom to do my every morning routine.

Quickly I run out. Out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. In a rush I shove on some clothes. Quickly I run down the stairs. I pass by a large mirror that stand near the front door. Silence. I stare in the mirror, examining the outfit I had thrown together. Silence. I begin to think about what would happen if I walk out this door wearing this getup. I slowly walk back up the stairs to change into something a little more…normal. The dream still sitting in the back of my mind.

I arrive back to the mirror and once again examine my outfit. “Not my best piece but I still look good”, I say smiling and posing. Often I dream of the celebrity life. The lights, flashing cameras, fancy dinner parties, and of course people getting a crouch shot of me as I get out of my new expensive car. (Hey don’t act like you’ve never done it before, judging me, shame on you.)

I leave my home and hop into my little green Toyota and begin to drive towards my destination. (A man wearing a long black coat and black hat watches from a distance.)

(Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.) My name is Dominique Valentine. I am eighteen years old and I am a witch. I’m not one hundred percent sure on what that means but, my grandmother, before she died, said to me,” Dominique, you are the protector of the innocent, the front line between good and evil…you are a witch”. Those were her last words to me before she died two months ago. I miss her.

I currently work as a librarian in a library known as Crosse Reads. I’ve been working there for maybe a year since I finished high school. My race is a mix of both African American and Salvadorian. I have big brown eyes, a young face, and an average body build. I have one of those faces that does not change much since my baby phase. (Sorry I forgot to mention) I’m gay. I’m a man. There for I am a gay man.

I live in the northern part of California in a place known as Monte Beltrami. It’s kind of a small place but we live close to the major cities where people often go to for better schools or the nightlife.

I have arrived. I park into the parking lot behind Crosse Reads. I love my job. I along with my other co-workers are allowed to wear anything we want, as long as it’s appropriate, of course. I get out of my car and close the door. Two steps later it opens with a squeak. I turn back and close the door again. “Stupid door”. I walk away and hear a squeak. The door has opened…again. I use my force to kick the door closed, leaving a dent in it. “Try and open now”, I say feeling cooler than the other side of a pillow. (The man wearing the black coat and hat watches from a distance.)

Finally I enter the store of my employment.

“Ah, I see you’ve finally decided to join us”, says Mr. Colette. Mr. Colette, Mr. Scott Colette, is a man of age forty-seven. He moved here to Monte Beltrami from England the same day I was born. He is the kindest and smartest man I know. Although from time to time he can be a smart ass. He is the owner and founder of Crosse Reads. He has short wavy brown hair that is growing grey and a nice healthy build. (I know he must have been so damn sexy back in his day.)

“Sorry I’m late, I had the strangest dream”, I say to Mr. Colette…It’s still in my head.

“Did you dream of Tommy Adams again?” say Eletta. Eletta Smith is my best-friend. I met her in the fourth grade when she moved here from New York. She is of Jamaican decent with dark brown eyes and straight bright red hair that lengthen to her shoulders. She is almost like my twin when it comes to personality minus the fact that she is incredibly smart. Back in high school she finished every subject with an A. She also took up photography. She is quite the photographer. (Before I forget.) She is boy crazy, much like me, but she only has eyes for Asian men.

“Gurl, I haven’t dreamt of Tommy Adams since Thursday,” I say back to her. (It’s Saturday by the way.) Tommy Adams is this straight guy I’ve been crushing on since sophomore year of high school. He’s tall, about six foot two, green eyes, brown hair, and nothing but muscle. The high schools quarter back. (I know you saw that coming.)

“You know he’s back in school right?” says Danny. Danny Del Luiz is my other best-friend. I have known him since the day I was born. He is a year older than me although most of the time people think I’m the older one. Probably because he doesn’t really talk much to people. He is some type of Hispanic; he has long wavy and messy black hair, thin eyes, and soft looking lips. He wears these big glasses, which without them he’s blind. He usually wears over sized clothes and things that look like hand me downs. We kissed once in second grade but we were kids, he’s a straight boy now…although he’s never had a girlfriend, and he’s nowhere near my type. (Ew)

“Aw he finally graduated”, I say. When I met Tommy, I was a sophomore and he a senior.

“No, he’s a senior again”, Danny replied. Somehow I’m not surprised.

“Poor guy”, said Eletta. “Fool”.

“Don’t forget about our special guest tonight,” reminded Mr. Colette. Silence. We all stare at him. Silence. We look at each other quickly and shrug, then back at him. “I swear. My son, my son Jared. He’s coming. He should be here in about three hours or so.” We have never met Jared before nor have we heard much about him. All we know is that Mr. Colette travels to England to see him once a year and we get a bonus on our paychecks. Now I feel like shopping.

Ding! A lady walks in and begins to browse the store. “Welcome to Crosse Reads,” Eletta and I say together. Danny and Mr. Colette are organizing all the books and putting them in their appropriate place. The lady gives us a friendly smile and continues about her business.

Hours later, a young man walks in. He has sea blue eyes, short slightly wavy dirty blonde hair with bangs heavily swerved to one side, and a strong jaw. He looks about five foot nine with an athletic build. He wears an opened button up plaid shirt with blue jeans that has tares at the knees and brown boots. Eletta and I stare at this magnificent beauty that walks through the door. Danny rolls his eyes and coughs. I snap out of my hypnosis, “Hello, welcome to Crosse Reads, I’m Dominique”. I flutter my eyelashes, “I enjoy anime and long walks on the beach”. Silence. Eletta, Danny, and Mr. Colette stare me with wide eyed. Silence.

“Um ok”, says the mysterious young man. Even his voice is beautiful. That gorgeous English accent. “Hey dad”, he says walking over towards Mr. Colette. The two quickly hug and the introductions begin.

“Son, I’d like you to meet Danny Del Luiz and Eletta Smith”, Jared shake their hands and smile.

“Nice to meet you. I’ve heard many things about you all”, he says.

“Nice to meet you too. We’ve heard a lot about you to”, says Danny. (Lies, all lies.)

Mr. Colette and Jared then turn to me. “This is Dominique Valentine”. Silence. Blank stares.

“We’ve met”, Jared says. Silence. He stares at me. “He doesn’t look like much of a witch to me”. What is he talking about? I never told him that. He couldn’t have heard from Mr. Colette because I didn’t tell him either about what my grandmother said to me. I haven’t told anybody, not even Eletta or Danny. A puzzled look shown on my face.

Mr. Colette softly says, “I haven’t talked to them about that yet”. Danny takes off his glasses and cleans them. He puts them back on.

“Who you callin’ a witch?” says Eletta angrily. I’m still puzzled. Lost in thought. “I will cut you up” Eletta stands fearlessly.

“Oh boy. I’m terribly sorry. Let me explain”, says Mr. Colette. “This secret stays between us only. No one else is to know this.” He looks around, “Eletta, Danny, I trust you and I know Dominique does to.” He takes a deep breath “Dominique you are a witch. You are the protector of the innocent and the front line between good and evil”. That’s the same thing my grandmother said to me. “You are not the only one. There are five witches. Including you, that must defend and protect this world. My son Jared is another. For centuries this has been going on. When all five witches pass away, their power, knowledge, and destiny is transferred to the next generation of witches, you and Jared and three others. Dominique, your grandmother was a witch”.

What the hell is he talking about? I have always looked at Mr. Colette as some sort of genius, but now… I don’t know. Eletta, Danny, and I all share this puzzled look. I can feel that fear is in the room as well. Silence. I can’t get any words out. I’m frozen…speechless.

He continues, “The power of the witches had not been released up until two months ago.”

“Grandma”, I said softly. Eletta and Danny slightly still puzzled yet intrigued.

“Correct. Your Grandmother was the last of the five witches. When she died it allowed the next generation of witches to come forth.” It’s starting to make sense to me. I believe him. Every word of it.

“How do you know all this?” Danny asked. A feeling of sadness hovered the room.

“My mother”, Jared says,” She was a witch. She was the youngest of the five. She became a witch at eleven years old”.

“I’m sorry. When did she__”

“That story is for another time”, Mr. Colette interrupted. “Dominique I need you to believe me”, he looks at me. His eyes are filled with so much hope; sadness and pain also sleep within his eyes.

“I do believe you”, I say. “I just need some time to think about this”.



  2. Teeheehee, this eletta girl sounds familiar ;D (LOL, "Fool" XD.) I love it mommy, keep it coming ;)
