Thursday, September 8, 2011

To all my visitors.

You know what I just realized? Half of this group has limited-to-no access to the internet. O_O But they all have access once and a while.. only thing is sometimes that time is when they're at SOMEONE ELSE'S computer, meaning they don't have their personal files and there for can only contribute a measly little short-in-length note.... CURSESS! >_< (lol)

But don't make that discourage you from following us, eheh-heh o_O. Well ya'll can always come over to my personal blog. ;D (You know how right? Clickity on my name there and scroll down to my blogs and hit the link NEXT to this one :3)

Alrighty, thanks for reading this. Have a wonderful day and remember, [Insert practical quote here.] K-byezees.


  1. why is it only your visitors punk!? what you think you own me now!? WHO YOU THINK YOU IS!?

  2. I honestly don't understand what you mean. @_@
